1972 Penny Errors: Struck-through Error Coin
1972 penny errors and varieties are collectible coins. For instance, this 1972-D cent is a struck through error coin. Furthermore, a microscope isn’t necessary to find coin errors like these. They’re visible to the naked eye!

Struck-through Grease Coin Error
For instance, “STATES OF” is completely missing from this coin, as evident in the photo. Furthermore, this mint error happens when “the recesses of a die becomes clogged with compacted gunk generally composed of a mixture of lubricant, metal dust, and dirt.”
Struck-through Coin Errors
This material is sometimes called “die fill” but is more commonly referred to as “grease.” Die fill can be coarse or smooth, hard or viscous. It can fill isolated design elements (a “filled die” error) or can coat the entire die face. Coatings are sometimes so thick that the entire design is obscured.” – error-ref.com, hence this 1972 penny error.

“Struck through errors come in a variety of types and sizes. These errors are usually small and don’t command much of a premium. However, when they are large or more obvious, they often enhance the desirability and value of a coin.” – ngccoin.com
Furthermore, 1972 penny errors such as this one cent coin value at five dollars and up in raw condition on eBay. For instance, this 1972 cent error coin sold on Ebay in raw condition for $5.50.

1972 Penny Value
When authenticated and placed in a plastic holder, these coins in flawless condition can produce a far greater return than the original cost of investment. For instance, a 1972-D 1C Graded MS67 RD, sold at auction for $4,250.00!
Moreover, error coins in flawless condition can increase values even more, such as a 1972 Doubled Die Obverse graded MS67RD, which sold at an auction for $14,400.00!
Furthermore, rare error and variety coins like it are found in pocket change and in mint sets, so don’t forget to check your change closely before spending.
Additionally, observe what other 1972 Lincoln penny errors recently sold for by clicking here. Moreover, look for newer variety and error coins. For instance, have you found any 2020 shield cents errors and varieties? Furthermore, check out a 2014 clashed die cent!!
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